Okinawa Gojuryu Karate Dojo
Sunday 7am
Monday thru Thursday 6:30am Private Class
7pm Class
Friday 6:30am
The opening of formal training
Japanese English
Shugo Line up
Kiyotsuke Attention
Seiza Kneel
Mokuso Meditate
Mokuso yame Stop meditating
Sensei ni - rei Bow to sensei
O tage ni - rei Bow to training partners
Mae Face front
Tatte Stand up to begin training
The close of formal training
Japanese English
Shugo Line up
Sensei will ask "Lessons learned"
Kiyotsuke Attention
Seiza Kneel
Mokuso Meditate
Mokuso yame Stop meditating
Purify your mind
Be mentally and physically sound
Train hard to polish the human spirit
Balance the Go and Ju
Keep yourself and the dojo clean
Self discipline hard training always
Do Gods will always
Sensei ni - rei Bow to sensei
O tage ni - rei Bow to training partners
Mae Face front